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What's Next?: Welcome
I posted these passages elsewhere, but I think they are important to revisit as encouragement. Philippians 3 NIV 17 Join together in...
Peace Is The Point.
Titus 3 NIV Remind the people to be subject to rulers and authorities, to be obedient, to be ready to do whatever is good, 2 to slander...
What Might Repentance Look Like On January 6th?
75% evangelicals could guard Black churches in DC, protect businesses and stand for calm in Lafayette Square, in defiance of this abuser.
Do Not Forget 2020
Do not forgive unrepentant abusers: God doesn't.
For A New Year
Love and fear cannot coexist. Live free.
Never Forget, 2020.
Conventional wisdom says to leave the past behind, but that is foolishness when abuse is involved. Instead, learn from the past and change.
Looking Forward
What leaders do.
Wisdom From A Woman
Found via Hillary Clinton.
Farewell to 2020- And Good Riddance!
Time to move on, America.
Violence is unnecessary.
Love instead.
The End Is Near.
(What kind of people ought you to be?)
In honor of all we have lost.
Please feel free to use the comments to add names of loved ones lost during this time.
The LORD protects the foreigners among us.
God cares for the orphans and widows, but God frustrates the plans of the wicked.
Mary Knew.
52 God has brought down rulers from their thrones but has lifted up the humble. 53 God has filled the hungry with good things but has...
Honor people like him.
Welcome him in the Lord’s love and with great joy, and give him the honor that people like him deserve.
pieces of the past
I see Hope in the form of the Christ Child.
Jesus Christ, come in human weakness, sets me free.
Pardoning war criminals is unforgivable evil.
The economy is never worth this.
Here is my God.
"Heaven cannot hold Him
Nor earth sustain
...[yet] a stable place sufficed
The Lord God Almighty
Jesus Christ."
God With Us
Emmanuel, God With Us.
It is time to deal with the past to face the future.
Highly recommend this story at this time.
What's Next?: Blog2
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