So it came to my attention awhile back I have a family member or perhaps a few who suspects I'm "unsaved" (evangelical for "no longer Christian") because I hate what God hates:
violence, racism, murder, bullying, cruelty, narcissism, pride and/or abuse.
How frightfully absurd!
Here's a reality check:

Friendly reminder that even Satan can quote Scripture, etc...:

Proud Boys persecute Black Christians and quote Scripture to justify it.
Just like Confederates or Nazis before them.

And yet, God's precious people, the Church, endures, and the gates of hell will not stand against it.
Here is why I am so angry today-and will continue to be-until this evil abomination in our nation is utterly destroyed: calling violent criminals to our nation's capitol, refusing to accept the results of an election, minimizing the grief of our nation at 352,000 + deaths during a pandemic, insisting on large gatherings at the expense of human lives in the wider community; there can be no fellowship with such evil, abusive people. And this is what too many evangelicals have become! To excuse Trump's abuse as politics or a difference of opinion is unacceptable; it is straight up evil on par with Nazism (which I have studied), and it will get people killed over the next days, if evil is not rebuked and repudiated by repentant leaders. If you supported Trump, if you voted for him, you don't deserve relationship and you share responsibility for whatever else happens now. It would not be a bloodless coup.
Hey 75% evangelicals - hey 81% who voted for that monster and arrogantly called it pro-life, hey all of you who rebuked the grieving and Satanically accuse we who prophetically warned you-
Thou art the man.
I never expected such evil accusations and painful betrayal from some of those who taught me about a God of love in Jesus and instilled in me the dignity and beauty of all human life.
Father, forgive them, they know not what they do.
There is no reasoning with such twisted thinking.
My only prayer now is: God protect US.
God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble.
"God's truth abideth still. His kingdom is forever."
Psalm 11:5