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What's Next?: Welcome
Gray Rock The President
Protect yourself from narcissists. Don't react and feel free to ignore.
Hope and a Future
No matter what happens next.
Once again this year, we are quarantined for COVID19.
Very Worth Watching.
Would you know if you were in a cult?
Also Worth Your Time
To understand American evangelicalism.
Psalm 46 For the choir director: A song of the descendants of Korah, to be sung by soprano voices. 1 God is our refuge and strength,...
Healing US Requires Facing Reality Together.
"The soul of America has been battered by a hateful and lying President, and...a government that...rejected the value of human life."
Being Presidential.
This is evil.
...that anyone could vote for the guy who emboldens it, while calling themselves defenders of life, is beyond abhorrent.
Pro-life pushed me away a long time ago.
Who seriously believes that any mother would carry a child to term, only to willingly abort their baby?
We have lost The Way
"More than cleverness,
we need kindness and gentleness.
Without these qualities,
life will be violent and all will be lost"
How Dare They Call EVIL - A Bullyculture of Death Threats- "Good."
THIS right here is why I want nothing to do with the majority of evangelicals, let alone my own parents. Shame on them all!
Wisdom Matters.
"Desiderata, which means 'things that are desired,' was written by Max Ehrmann 'because it counsels those virtues I felt most in need of.'"
Their cruel accusations just won't work anymore.
Do what is right and do not give way to any fear.
What Leadership - As Opposed to Narcissistic Abuse - Actually Looks Like
A Christian perspective.
American Evangelical Nationalism apparently seeks to destroy US
What a vile lack of love for one's fellow citizens.
This respected expert has had death threats because Trump.
"What is our policy? To wage war against a monstrous tyranny."
"What is our aim: Victory at all costs- victory in spite of all terror-for without victory there is no survival."
La Peste, Albert Camus. Prescient food for thought.
What's Next?: Blog2
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