I think it is important that any Christian reading this click on the links and read the Scriptures in context. Sin is definitely serious. *
It is the Christian belief that to save, Jesus Christ sacrificially and humbly gave His life!
I read these articles (links below) today, and I want to underline that the common thread is total depravity and willful corruption, and it is all about control.
It is not about saving any lives, baby or otherwise. What we have seen in American evangelicalism is little more than a misogynistic cult that denies the grace of God to repentant sinners, while demanding "grace" for their own and the un-repentance of their preferred politicians. This grasping at power and control, this ongoing abuse, this Christian nationalism, this conspiracy theory disconnect-from-reality, this Christian fascism, is evil.
And Christians who care about holiness can show evil no pity, none. Rebuke it and reject it.
God's grace never comes cheaply.
"Do your own research"/Be a Berean/Examine Yourselves:
* The point here is that sin is costly and serious, not that lives should ever be forfeit for real or perceived idolatry. Conversely, it is, in fact, my concern there are warped fundamentalists in these United States who believe they have the right to take life, if people will not agree with them.