Just a courtesy notice there will be no post Monday, as I am resting from COVID19, and though I appear to be improving, I want to take some time to pace myself.
My goal is to write Monday-Friday next week, so watch this space.
In the meantime, I ask that you read up on the events in Portland, follow me on Twitter if you do not, and feel free to contact me if you want to be on my email list about the paperback I hope to make out of these posts. My plan is to come off social media this year, sometime after Labor Day. More on that, as things develop.
I posted a thread about the danger of ignorance on political terms, and I recommend checking it out as long as it lasts (I have an app that deletes my tweets, so I'm not sure if the unroll will eventually disappear, too.)
Today, also, I addressed the concerns American citizens really should have, as such, about Portland's crazy extreme situation:
FYI: Opposing fascism is AS important for an American citizen as opposing communism. And communism is NOT a realistic threat to US right now. Fascism sure is though!
Educate yourselves: https://www.diffen.com/difference/Communism_vs_Fascism