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Violent and abusive men flock to Trump
These are all domestic terrorists, not patriots, just dangerous abusers: Adam Fox Barry Croft Garbin Kaleb Franks Daniel Harris Brandon...
Thursday Thoughts
Live free.
I cannot wait.
The Narcissist Cannot Tolerate Your Freedom
The narcissism is escalating.
Character is destiny.
Abuse is by no means a major shock; it is a grief for many abuse survivors, however.
To Trump supporters: Are you prepared to own wherever this goes next?
Right now, the most dangerous extremists are on the right.
Historically, Far Right has always been anti-freedom, brutal...this is reality.
Whether he's telling the truth about having Covid or not, he needs Jesus.
But I'm way more concerned for all the people he has harmed...
"With such a person do not even eat."
Never again is now.
Never, ever again, and we must have no pity for abusers. We must expose and put them out.
Never again.
They Will Know We Are Christians by Our Love
We are one in the Spirit, we are one in the Lord We are one in the Spirit, we are one in the Lord And we pray that our unity will one day...
Without Vision, The People Perish...
The vision came unbidden, at an unexpected pass Where the winds of change blew colder Whippin' snow that cut like glass But like an old...
Remembering lives lost.
Honor, dignity, hope.
This is my God; God is love.
“If the godly compromise with the wicked, it is like polluting a fountain or muddying a spring.” Proverbs 25:26 I never thought these...
This evening, my attention was drawn to this piece (linked below) by a tweet from Dan Rather. I recommend it. One of my biggest hurts is...
Faith Is Nothing Without Love...
I had a rather productive day today editing the book: expect it to have some pictures from my travels and times in nature! - and I wanted...
Another take: Grace
Highly recommend reading, Christians: The Cost Of Discipleship And all the drugs in the world Can't save us from ourselves Victims with...
Amazing Grace
Amazing Grace
How sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me
I once was lost
But now am found
Was blind but now I see.
Where do we go from here?: Grace will lead US home.
Perhaps grace truly is the only thing that can save US now. If we cannot find grace in our hearts towards others, we will not stand.
Where do we go from here?: The results of doing what is right
What will be the results of our choice to live free instead of enabling or accepting abuse?
Where do we go from here?: A Proactive Approach.
...we need to make some proactive choices for truth telling, rather than be driven wherever the abusers lead US now.
What's Next?: Blog2
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