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Fear Not; You Are Loved.
"In this world you will have trouble.
But take heart..."
Take A Moment
My life, integrated.
One more thing...
Read my shirt.
Van Jones nails it.
We The People Called It.
Democracy wins today. I have never been so relieved nor cared so much about an election. I don't care whether the loser concedes or not....
We must drive the point home.
Be very wary of those who tell you that you can never trust your own emotions.
Fear-Mongering About Civil War Was NEVER Pro Life, Liberty Nor Happiness...
...It's A Literal Death Threat.
Americans Ending Trumpism least half of US rejected Trumpism.
From My Childhood
God is faithful.
Why Trumpvangelicals should apologize to Clinton...
Without repentance
there is no reconciliation. no unity, no credibility
for a Christian.
Break My Heart For What Breaks Yours
The Failure Of Christian Love
Grief in Community
During a global pandemic, it is perhaps even more important to talk about ways to celebrate the lives of our loved ones.
Texas Brownshirts (or Texan Brownnoses)-Just Gross-and likely criminal- Behavior.
Trumpism is a scourge on US.
A 2020 Halloween
The scariest things in our time are not caused by evil spirits, but by the sickness of real people.
About That Second Civil War...
Maher is right.
The cost to our culture of moral degradation...
"The 2020 election is about the moral future of America." Tom Nichols
What's Next?: Blog2
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